Mourning Hair is not an ABC company
Mourning Hair is not an ABC company
What the hell does that mean?
In case you didn’t know… hair factories are a VERY closely guarded secret. Unfortunately, that also means that you the consumer are left in the dark quite often.
When I began creating a hairline I found a practice of hair I didn’t even know existed. And that’s where ABC hair companies come in.
Have you ever wondered why some brands artists are DIE HARD for but then others swear it’s the worst they’ve ever used in their whole life?
Here How it works:
When you buy from one of those companies, your first order is quality A hair. Best of the best.
Then from there depending on how much you spend and how often will dictate what hair you get next.
If you order decently frequently, with medium-size orders then you are bumped down to quality B hair. It’s not bad, but it’s not the level of hair that you got in your first order.
If you are newer to the industry and trying to build so your orders are smaller and infrequent, then you get C-quality hair. That hair is generally bought at a cheaper rate by the company so most likely you will have issues with it at one point.
The worst part?
You aren’t told this is happening.
And you are always paying for quality A hair.
Why bother telling you all of this?
Because as the consumer you deserve to know an not be gaslit into thinking it’s you that is the problem.
Mourning hair is not an ABC hair company.
Our quality is A all the way.
So whether you buy one weft, or one hundred, it doesn’t matter. The quality will always be the same!